Ford Motor Company and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Endowed Scholarship Program was established in 1989 at 33 four-year colleges and universities and nine community/vocational colleges across the United States. Monies to fund the scholarship grants are the result of a 1980 Conciliation Agreement between Ford and the EEOC and are targeted to fund scholarships for minorities and women pursuing college-level degrees.
The Scholarship Program is designed to give preference to Ford employees, their spouses and children. Schools receiving the grants administer the scholarships according to their own admissions policies and academic standards but may not restrict them to a particular discipline. The scholarships are targeted for full-time students (i.e., newly admitted or presently enrolled) in undergraduate programs but also may be awarded to full-time students in graduate-level programs. Prior to making application for a scholarship, those interested will be required to gain admittance to the participating school. They will then have to present the Financial Aid Office with employment verification and other documentation supporting relationship to the employee as described in the guidelines. The Financial Aid Office at each school is responsible for determining scholarship eligibility as well as the amount and number of scholarship awards to the offered.
Earnings from each endowment grant will fund scholarships on an on-going basis.
Questions concerning Scholarship Program eligibility should be directed to the Financial Aid Office at the participating college or university.
General Information and Guidelines for Applicants
• Regular, full-time hourly and salaried employees (including those on authorized leaves of absence) of the following parent Company components and subsidiaries are eligible to participate in the Ford/EEOC Endowed Scholarship Program:
• Ford Motor Company
• Ford Motor Credit Corporation
• Ford Electronics and Refrigeration Corporation
• Ford Motor Land Development Corporation
• Employees receiving funds from the Ford/EEOC Endowed Scholarship Program may only receive assistance from the Ford Employee Continuing Education Program (FECEP) or the Employee Training and Assistance Plan (ETAP) to the extent those programs cover expenses not already
paid for by the scholarship program.
• Scholarships are designated for minorities and women with preference given to Ford employees (as defined above), their spouses and children.
• Colleges will administer the scholarship program according to their policies but within the guidelines established by Ford and the EEOC.
• Scholarships may not be restricted to a particular academic discipline.
• Scholarships are targeted to full-time students in undergraduate programs; however, at the colleges' discretion, scholarships may be awarded to full-time students in graduate level programs.
• Scholarships for undergraduate students may be renewed up to three times but only once for graduate students. (It is understood that eligibility to continue on the program will require participants to meet the academic requirements established by the college.)
• Colleges will determine the amount and number of scholarships to be provided.
• Colleges will request those applicants who are a Ford employee to provide a letter of verification of employment. The employee can get the verification letter from their local plants labor relations office. The verification letter should include: employee's full name, employee's Global ID (GID) number or the last four digits of their social security number, and additionally if the letter is for a dependent, please include the dependent's name and relationship to the employee. Please contact your local EDTP Representative for further assistance.
• In addition to the letter of verification of employment, colleges may also require spouses and children of Ford employees to present documentation proving that relationship (e.g., marriage or birth certificates).
• Colleges will notify endowment scholarship winners.
Contacts for Additional Help
Questions concerning Scholarship Program eligibility should be directed to the Financial Aid Office at the participating college or university.